Peter Krautzberger · on the web

Just when I thought I was out

I recently pondered whether I should stop reading the few remaining mathoverflow and math.stackexchange feeds I keep in my feed reader (remember that archaic technology? I still use it heavily). Ever since I left research, I had dialed down the number of tags I was following on those wonderful sites, both because it was painful and because I lost interest (as contradictory as that may sound); in the end, all I kept were the [ultrafilter] tag on MO and the [set theory] tag on math.SE.

But I found myself brushing past even those few postings, so that yesterday I thought it was time to move on and remove them from my feed reader, de fact closing the "math" section of my feed reader, where all my research related feeds ended up. And then just as I am about to, I see this question and answer which, while neither spectacular or particular, reminded me why I once fell in love with set theory.

So, Asaf, I will call you Joey Zasa from now on.
